The FLITBASE API uses JSON objects within a REST-like URI and method structure. The HTTP methods GET, POST, and DELETE are used for querying, sending, and deleting, respectively.

The following table defines the status codes you may receive from our API:

HTTP Status CodeMeaning
401Failure. Unauthorized Request
404Failure. Non-existing endpoint
422Failure. Validation error
500Failure. Unexpected error with our system

Errors in the URI of your request would expectedly result in response with an error status code of 404 which has the following format:

    "status": "error",
    "message": "endpoint not found"

This is an example JSON response for a Validation Error.

    "status": "error",
    "message": "validation error",
    "errors": [
            "type": "required",
            "message": "The 'currency' field is required.",
            "field": "currency"

Successful requests are marked by a status value of success; a sample is shown below.
For successful requests, this is a sample response.

  "status": "success",
  "data": [
      "id": "1d44a533-e401-491b-98b5-cfc085fd8fc1",
      "name": "my other wallet",
      "balances": {
        "BTC": 0,
        "NGN": 68.00000001

Detailed examples of successful requests are found in the documentation for each endpoint.